Necklace of handmade beads designed by Jenny Stacy |
Painted paper beads by Jenny Stacy. Instructions below
To make beads for a necklace like this you need:2 drinking straws; a sheet of plain white paper - cheap copy paper is fine; paints; glue stick; scissors; ruler; pencil; fine cord or string; a button.
Cut straws into 2cms lengths.
Paint a sheet of paper with colours you love.
Ideally seal the paint with matt varnish but this is optional unless the paint you use rubs off on your fingers in which case it could rub off on your clothes so you need to seal it.
Draw lines every 3 cms on the back of your paper lengthwise.
Cut the paper into strips.
Glue wrong side of one strip and lay a piece of straw in the middle and roll it up so the paper just overlaps. Cut paper near to 'bead'. Tuck paper ends into the ends of the straw as neatly as you can. I used a biro.
Repeat until you have around 9 beads.
I cut an old necklace bought in a charity shop to provide silver beads to put in between my handmade beads. But again this is optional. You could use small wooden beads to separate your handmade beads or any beads you think will look good that you already own.
Thread all beads with fine string or cord. Measure the cord round your neck to get the length you like then add on about 24cms to allow for fastening it.
Make a loop at one end of your necklace big enough to easily fit over your button and knot it firmly. Slide on your button to the other end of your cord through all button holes and knot on the back of the button.
Your necklace is ready to wear.
If you've enjoyed making this necklace you could make more to give as Christmas presents. Or you could make garlands of painted beads to decorate your house or your Christmas tree.
This is the third How to with another planned for two days time. I want to provide simple things to do which don't involve having to buy any materials.
This is a task I've set myself to help keep my mind creative and give you something more cheerful than the news to think about during the UK's lockdown.