Monday 8 April 2019

Easter gifts in Handmade Happiness

Kate Hackett makes these ceramic decorations.
Knitted chicks to hold a Lindt egg. Just £1 each.
My cashmere bunnies. These ones with pockets for  a  little chocolate egg. £4.50 each.
Painted Easter cards, blank inside by Jenny Stacy. £3.50 each.

Thinking of Easter and family don't always want to give children just chocolate, especially knowing they'll have plenty of chocolate from other people. Handmade Happiness offers lots of non-chocolate choices or some items to tie onto an egg or put a little chocolate egg into.

I am hoping that lots of people will come in to Handmade Happiness in the run up to Easter because frankly if the shop is going to survive the Brexit retail downturn things will have to improve a lot! There I've said it.

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