Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Promoting Handmade Happiness at East Meon

Photos from this blog on HH business cards by www.moo.com
 I gave out over a hundred of these yesterday at the East Meon country fair. This pretty village was bursting at the seams when people from far and wide enjoyed themselves at the fair. After stopping to pet a new calf named Jeremy and assorted baby lambs I spent the afternoon in the Art and Craft tent with a selection of lovely makes from the shop.

I enjoy setting out a stall. You've just got a 6 foot table and a couple of chairs and a little over an hour to make it look as attractive as possible.  Wish I'd taken a photo. The Petersfield Herald took a photo. (How I loathe having my picture taken. This accounts for the tortured expression in any photo of me.) But back to display - after many years of doing this I'd say that the important thing is to add height. If everything is just placed on the table it looks boring. If you've got a variety of heights preferably with some things at eye level the result is more interesting and intriguing.

Now I intend getting into the garden for an hour before work to plant out some stuff. Hope it's as sunny where you are as it is here.

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