Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Planning, making, sewing

Wooden buttons I painted a while back
 I forgot to take my camera to Chichester yesterday so we will have to make do with this old picture. I'd paint more on wooden buttons if I could get hold of them but I can't find them now.
The Chichester pictures would not have been exciting as most of my time was spent in the M&S cafe chatting and sketching/note taking. We looked round a few shops and charity shops but didn't buy anything. We were searching for a 'crocadillo' at least I think that's what they're called. It's a tool for making small holes with and we need to make small holes preferably with a metal circumference for our joint project.

What I am actually making at the moment is lavender filled hearts. My neighbour very kindly dried her lavender for me and gave me a big bag full. It smells delicious. I am using some old gold fabric for them and a velvet ribbon loop and old buttons. I think they look quite nice. Show you a picture soon. What are you making right now?

Reminder to self: Take camera to work today to take pictures for blog!

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