Sunday, 4 August 2013

Handmade Kaleidoscope re-stock

The Dreamscope by Frank and Janet Higgins
The smaller wheelscope by Frank and Janet Higgins
A Teleidoscope by Frank and Janet Higgins
An unusual design by Frank and Janet Higgins
The larger wheelscope by Frank and Janet Higgins
A larger Teleidoscope with beautifully patterned glass by Frank and Janet Higgins
 Frank Higgins has delivered more of his magical kaleidoscopes to Handmade Happiness. You can imagine them in the hands of Harry Potter and his friends they are so unusual and special. I love to see peoples' faces light up as they look through them. What a great present one of them makes.

I should explain that a Teleidoscope has no colours in it. It enables you to look through and see a multiplied, fragmented world. I've noticed that artistic friends love it.
Enjoy your Sunday!

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