Thursday, 8 August 2013

Sarah Lugg 'The Handcrafted Wedding'

A page from Sarah Lugg's book The Handcrafted Wedding
Sarah Lugg's hearts collage.
This book is full of pretty ideas for a handmade wedding. Published by Sterling/Chapelle it is now sadly out of print but old copies can be found on Amazon.

Both my daughters are staying at the moment and today the list is: wedding signs - to be painted by Amy; bride's headband to be sewn by me; more paper flowers to be made by both and more jars to be glittered by me. I also want to find some fabrics for the mens' buttonholes and start confetti cones. (Younger daughter will man the shop!)

Last night on our walk we were lucky enough to see a deer. Previously we've seen two very small deer together and I'm wondering if other locals see them and what kind of deer they are?


Anonymous said...

I guess they are roe deer. Lots about on West Sussex / Hants border.

BTW have you been into the Linen Shop in the Carfax, Horsham? Beautiful fabrics designed by the owner (made up in Belgium I believe)and also clothes from the same fabrics. I was going to buy my wedding outfit from there (when they were still at Nutbourne Farmhouse) for Alex's wedding but somehow ended up in a ghastly blue creation.


jenny said...

Hi Chris thanks for the info. Someone suggested the deer could be ? Munkjack because they are so small.