Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Butterfly brain

Butterfly mobile designed and made by Jenny Stacy
Sun hats for tiny babies made by me
Playing with colour and a streak of gold ink
Petersfield has these magical places

This week I've flitted from one thing to another, never concentrating on anything for any length of time. It's week 12 of lockdown here in the UK and I am going a bit stir crazy.  It's great to walk in the countryside and I am grateful for that but I long for the library to be open again and/or the Oxfam book shop. 

I made the butterfly mobile after an art session with my four and five year old grandaughters. They drew round butterfly and butterfly people templates I sent them and added patterns and colour while I watched and encouraged on Face Time.

 The older one is back at school now and doing well with the 'social distancing'. Each child is marooned on their own desk and when they move they are told to walk like zombies with their arms stretched out in front of them. Genius, whoever thought of that. Although she'd like to give her friends a hug she is coping well with the restrictions. 

I made the little sunhats for my baby grandaughters, born this year. Two of the three in the picture are reversible. Most of the fabrics are Liberty tana lawn which is a joy to sew.

As you know I like playing with paint and I was pleased with the effect of adding a bit of gold ink. Encouraged by this I've just done two canvasses using watercolour and gold ink. I've got two more canvasses I could use, so maybe next time I write I'll have 4 new paintings to share with you...

Keep safe and keep well. Above all try to focus on the positive in these very difficult times for all of us. 


Anonymous said...

Je pense souvent à ce nouveau bébé qui vient de naître. On n oubliera jamais son année de naissance !
Tu dois être bienheureuse !
Tous mes voeux de bonheur

Anonymous said...

Et bravo d avoir le courage de continuer à créer pendant cette période si étrange...encore quelques peintures?

jenny said...

Merci beaucoup Ghislaine. Je vais t’ecrire ce weekend xxx