Wednesday 28 December 2011

A Rented Christmas!

This year my family rented a bungalow near Bath for the three days of Christmas. It meant that between six and eight of us could be together comfortably and I would recommend the idea.
The bungalow was fitted with every convenience and was extremely comfortable - plus the owner had even provided a Christmas tree and decorated  for Christmas.
 My favourite place was this 'drench room'. The water hits you in every direction. It was brilliant!
It was great for me to see my kids and their partners all under one roof. Highlights included a hysterical game of charades and seven of us playing contract whist into the early hours - a new game to me.

So please excuse my absence but now it's business as usual on the blogging and the shop front. I can't wait to get into Handmade Happiness to sort it out for the New Year. No sale. I think handmade items should never be marked down in price. That seems disrespectful to the maker.

I hope you had the best Christmas you could have wished for and are looking forward with joy and excitment to the New Year ahead.

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