Friday 3 April 2020

Make an Easter flower crown - step by step

White card strip and strip with torn pictures or painted bits glued on.
Draw round your templates on white card and colour them in before cutting them out.
Glue cut outs to crown strip. Lastly add scrunched  yellow crepe paper or yellow tissue paper to flower centres.


white card, torn pictures from magazines and painted papers (optional), food box to make templates from, pencil, scissors, paints or crayons, glue and yellow crepe paper or yellow tissue paper.

I drew two flower shapes, 2 leaf shapes and a bird onto strong food box card and cut them out.  These are your templates.

Cut a strip of white card for each crown to fit round your head plus an overlap of 2-4 cms.  Mine were 4 cms depth by 54cms long.
Glue torn pictures of flowers etc to the crown to completely cover the white.
Remember you don't want these to stick out over the bottom of the crown but it is fine to have them sticking out from the top of the crown.

Then using your templates, draw round each of them as many times as you like onto white card. Do at least one of each shape. Paint or colour them in.
Cut out your shapes and glue them wherever looks good along the length of your crown strip.

Lastly add your flower centers. Draw some circles on white card to fit into the centre of your flowers, cut them out and glue them to your flowers.
Now, if you have yellow crepe or tissue cut off a strip about 16cms long by 3 -4 cms deep.  Cut a fringe all the way along the strip but only cutting half way down.   Add glue to the centre of your flower.Wrap the yellow strip round your finger and crush it in circular fashion into the centre of your flower. Repeat for all flowers that are on your crown.

Finally sellotape the ends of your crown strip so it fits your head perfectly.

Now you are all ready for Easter!

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