Sunday 24 March 2019


First framed painting by Jenny Stacy
Even rubbish paintings can be cut up and used for collage!

Painting is personal. So is making something. When it comes to sharing it with others, that takes guts. A very confident person will have no problem showing others what they have done, but for most of us it's a bit of a struggle...

I have no problem with things I make now. I've been making for so many years and some things are successful and some things less so but I always make to sell. However, painting is new to me. 

Exactly a month ago I started doing a painting a day just for the fun of it. But the last picture I did (the one above) is the first one that a respected friend suggested I should put in a frame and try to sell. So yesterday it went up in the shop, admittedly in the darkest corner of the shop but it's there and it's for sale...

By the way, if you love textile art and you live within reach of Teddington get yourself to the Landmark Arts Centre today. The Contemporary Textiles Fair is on from 10am to 5pm and there's some really interesting things for sale there.
I went to the preview evening on Friday and came home re-energised...!


Brenda Tilbury said...

Brilliant Jenny! So glad that you were brave....bring it out of the dark corner though! X

jenny said...

Thanks Brenda. I've brought it out of the dark corner now but I'm hoping the next effort will be better!!x