Thursday 13 April 2017

Special things

Knitted chicks with Lindt chocolate eggs inside them
Charity shop finds
A favourite possession: Iris in dyed velvet stitched by Sheila Barrow.

These knitted chicks have been selling 'like hot cakes'. Last night I had just photographed these few that were left when a woman came running in and bought the lot. Today I'll phone clever knitter Audrey and see if she can provide any more.

My run round the charity shops yielded this green glass vase for £1; a crystal bead necklace - the beads will be used decorate fairies - also for £1 and best of all, an old wallpaper sample book (£2) where all the papers have gold, silver or copper colours in them. I'm imagining these will be great for Christmas paper chains, collage cards,handmade crackers, gift tags etc!

If you are following me on Instagram apologies. I've posted all three of these pictures but, as I know that the blog is looked at by many more people than look at Instagram it makes sense. Also I can write a lot more on my blog than is available to me as a picture caption.

For example: I remember seeing this velvet picture on Sheila Barrow's stall and just feeling that I had to have it. I think it is so beautiful and well made! Sheila is a gifted textile artist and now, many years after I bought this picture, her work is for sale in Handmade Happiness and Sheila remains one of the most talented people I know.

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