Sunday 9 April 2017

How to make bags from magazine pages

Tear out a page and fold over the torn edge.
Fold sides to middle so the edges just overlap.
Now fold up the untorn edge to make your base. Sellotape this and your central join.
Bags ready to be used and taped shut. Top image Harpers Bazaar, others Country Living pages.

Magazines have such gorgeous photographs in them. I hate throwing them into the recycling. 

For the last 6 years I've been tearing out the pages I like to make bags for the shop. It's easy (see above) and means someone else gets pleasure from seeing those pictures. It also means I never have to buy any packaging! (Although I do use many reels of sellotape!)

So when you shop in Handmade Happiness in Petersfield expect to be given your purchase in a bag made from a magazine page. Bigger buys go into the carrier bags I make from magazine covers (see earlier post).

I use a lot of magazines and nice customers bring me their old magazines now instead of puting them into the recycling bin. 

So if you see me idly leafing through an old magazine in the shop you'll know I'm not taking a break I'm working! Choosing which pages to make into bags!


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