Friday 27 May 2016

New Bags

Large, soft, Liberty fabric bag £29.50
Smart linen bag, fully lined £10
Cotton lined bag by Carol Smith £19.50
Here are three new bags in Handmade Happiness. 

Now that we have to bring our own bags to shops I thought it would be a good idea to stock a range of attractive bags to avoid ugly plastic ones.
Carol Smith is making some clever fold away ones to take up minimal space in your handbag. I am continuing to make strong carrier bags from magazines and thank you to all of you who have brought in old magazines for me to use.

In two weeks time we will have a new shop neighbour. The dark purple paint has been replaced with fresh pale blue and a new interiors shop (painted furniture) is about to open.

I am making bunting (mostly for daughter's wedding) new style necklaces, lots of holding hands paper dolls (partly for an order) and I wish there were more hours in the day...

Happy weekend everybody!    


Brenda Tilbury said...

Hi Jenny, the bags look lovely and I'm looking forward to seeing Carol's folding bags as I need a new one xxx

Clare Tye said...

Is the linen bag still available? I am just thinking my nan would love it for her birthday
Clare x

jenny said...

Yes the linen bag is available. Are you able to collect it from the shop? Open til 5.00pm today.