Thursday, 10 July 2014

It's a Baby Girl!

Cross-over cardigan that ties at the back.
Tiny orange cardi. Patterns by Erica Knight.
That cardi and matching bootees
Cotton hat knitted just in case baby was a girl!
 I am delighted to announce that my first grandchild - Juno Rose was born last night in London to my lovely daughter Amy and her husband Jesse.

I knitted these things before knowing whether baby would be a boy or a girl. All the patterns can be found in Erika Knight's book, ' Simple Knits for Cherished Babies.'  


Anonymous said...

Many, many congratulations Jenny, Amy and Jesse.

Enjoy your magical time

Vicki x

Anonymous said...

All my love to you and congratulations to Amy, Jesse and you. Welcome to Juno Rose. I was so excited yesterday when John told me Amy was in labour.
Much love.

molebags said...

congratulations! Very best wishes to the family, love Carol x said...

Many congratulations......what a lovely name.

Roly Phillips said...

Dear Jenny- such lovely news!

Welcome to Juno Rose and congratulations to you all


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, so much happiness ahead of you all

Caroline C x

lindsey said...

congratulations Jenny & to the new family. Nothing like being a grandparent, especially for the first time.

jenny said...

Thank you everyone. Juno is a perfect little poppet and everyone is doing wellx

Anonymous said...

Comme tu dois être contente d être grand-mère!
Je ne t ai peut-être pas dit que moi aussi je suis grand-mère : Antoine et Amandine ont eu un petit garçon qui a presque deux ans.
Beaucoup de bonheur pour toute votre famille !

jenny said...

Thank you Ghislaine. And congratulations to you too for becoming a grandmother. I remember when Amy and Antoine were small children.Please pass on my best wishes to him and Amandine.x