Sunday 8 January 2012

Hand spun, hand dyed, British wool

Michelle Green buys a fleece from the farmer and cleans, dyes and spins it.She often uses natural dyes like onion skins or dock leaves gathered from the hedgerows which produce an olive green. But natural dyed wools aren't as popular as synthetic dyed wools which produce stronger, brighter colours.

This week Michelle took back from the shop all the natural dyed yarns which have been sitting relatively unnoticed and replaced them with these singing dancing colours pictured above, which sell better. An exception is this naturally coloured wool pictured above from Jacobs and Shetland sheep.

I like to have this British wool in the shop.  It looks so decorative hanging from pegs in all the myriad of colours. You have to think outside the box as to what to knit with it but why not just buy it to hang - like a work of art?

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