Sunday 12 January 2020

Seen when walking

On the Gruffalo trail in Wendover Woods. I wonder if author Julia Donaldson lives nearby?
Oil on the pavement
On a tree trunk. Apparently this is called Rainbow Bracket fungus.
The pretty stream you can follow in Petersfield
My son saw these yesterday when walking in London
Bargain waterproof coat I wear for walking. Just £12.95 reduced from £44.95 in the Joules sale

I intend to get out early every day and get the exercise bit out of the way so I can do other, more creative things. But often the time slips by and I don't get out til nearly lunchtime. The main thing is to stick to a goal - in my case it's 10,000 steps a day ie nearly 3 miles. Of course I rarely manage it but it remains a goal.
There are still parcels to send off and boxes to sort and put away from the shop. I've just realised that I've not yet told Google or changed the details on this blog to say that the shop is now closed. Better get on with that now.

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