Friday 16 October 2015

Ceramic decorations by Kate Hackett

Kate Hackett makes these ceramic tree decorations
This week Christmas crept into Handmade Happiness. Kate Hackett brought in her tree decorations (they are all £3) and robin mugs (£12) and a robin serving plate (£28). These decorations can also be tied on to a gift or hung round a bottle. The backs are easy to write on with felt tip.

Sue Inglis brought in her latest knitted Christmas designs and special Christmas cards and gift tags. Pictures to come.

It's only October so I don't want to go all out for Christmas just yet - it annoys me as much as anyone to see big Christmas displays in supermarkets too early. But you will notice that gradually Handmade Happiness will have a slow build up of Christmas things from now onwards. 

In the last two weeks I've noticed people are looking for gifts. They know that if they see the perfect thing now they have to buy it because the next time they come in that one-off handmade gift will possibly have been sold to someone else. 

(That is the slight drawback of having a handmade shop. I can't just order up another like an ordinary shop. The maker might be doing something completely different now and not want to go back to what they were making previously.)

I'm making every afternoon in the shop right now. For some reason customers tend to come in during the morning. In the afternoon people browse rather than buy. Yesterday was so cold that I had the heater on and a scented candle burning. I'm making decorations and brooches right now. Next on the list is smaller dolls. 

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