Monday 21 September 2015

Sunny side up!

A way to be really happy in life is to train yourself to always be optimistic!
Whatever happens today, tomorrow will be better, much better. 

As this blog nears its 7th anniversary I am happy that Handmade Happiness the blog is still going.

 Handmade Happiness, the shop, is just about to be 4 years old and I honestly think that the bricks and mortar version gets better and better as it attracts more and more talented people to be a part of its success.

Today, just as I was being woken by the alarm - dentist appointment early(!) I had another idea which I'll share with you soon. Meanwhile both blog and shop are not going anywhere. And this week I plan to post much more regularly in honour of this blog's 7th birthday tomorrow!


lindsey said...

Happy birthday Handmade Happiness blogspot. Love reading your blogs.
So pleased that you & the shop are approaching your 4th mean feat in this economic climate....just goes to show with the right & high quality stock, people still find the money to buy. I wish you all the success in the future.

Brenda Tilbury said...

Happy Anniversary and Birthday XXX see you soon I hope! xx

jenny said...

Thank you Lindsey and Brenda. Looking forward to having more of the lovely things you both make in Handmade Happiness.x