Wednesday 30 April 2014

New cushion and jewellery from Pam Dew

Sheep and lamb cushion by Pam Dew. Note her own make ceramic buttons
A Jenny Stacy button on the back!
Pam Dew is an excellent needlewoman who makes beautiful quilts and applique cushions. She is also a keen cyclist who has now been inspired to make jewellery using bits of bike! Her third passion is ceramics and as you can see she has used her own ceramic buttons on this latest cushion. 

You can see her new website by clicking onto the top picture. I'll show you the jewellery - earrings, necklace and bracelet made from bike chain (well cleaned and polished) and slivers of rubber tyre - in another post.

Amazingly Pam also works full-time in a quite unrelated job but is always buzzing with energy and enthusiasm. She is a fan of 'green juice' where you turn cucumber, apple, spinach and basically any edible green thing into a juice and drink it and it's healthy and energy producing.

I haven't got a juicer at the moment but I reckon I need to get one. Yesterday I worked out that out of every 24 hours there are 9 whole hours when I am neither sleeping nor working in the shop. I need more energy to overcome the dragging effect of sciatica and be more productive in those hours. Green juice may be the answer! Have you tried it? 

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