Sunday 19 January 2014

New pieces from Ali Cooper

Mugs and jugs by Ali Cooper in the window of Handmade Happiness pictured with birds by Michelle Green and bunny by Sue Inglis.
Bunny mug by Ali Cooper
Ali Cooper brought new pieces to Handmade Happiness on Friday. Porcelain hand thrown ceramics and some stoneware decorated with 24 carat gold lustre.

I feel sorry for anyone that suffers with a bad back. Yesterday I woke with back pain - not something I usually get and I crept around all day feeling sorry for myself. I hope none of the customers guessed I was feeling fragile. But today it's still hurting and you know how you get to a certain age and think, this is it, I'm falling apart, and you can't imagine being pain free again. I don't like taking pills but if I'm to drive to East Grinstead today to see my mum I shall have to take a pill... also the boiler is not working. That's two old boilers on the blink!

Enough moaning. You know we were talking about baby clothes? My daughter was lucky to find a brand new baby sleeping bag, white with faint blue stripes by Caramel baby and child in a charity shop together with one of Caramel's linen romper suits. Surely this is the ideal compromise - to find unworn luxury baby goods at charity shop prices!


Anonymous said...

It is possible to find new /barely worn first born size baby clothes in charity shops but 3-6 month sizes upwards become rather washed out and 18 month sizes are always very dribble stained! (From one who knows!)

Bad news about the bad back - lots of core muscle exercises (lying on the floor, lifting each leg and holding in stomach muscles) and pilates may be the answer.

If it persists, an early MRI scan may show up the problem if it isn't a muscular thing.


Anonymous said...

Oh! Another thought - get yourself a decent chair with lumbar support, like a typist's chair. It doesn't matter a jot if it looks a bit out of place in your shop, sitting slumped over a desk for HOURS is a killer for back probs.


jenny said...

Thanks for your thoughts Christine.
I am happy to say the back feels much better today, Monday. Hooray!