Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Pretty vintage fabric scrap packs

Penny Baker's assembles pretty packages of old fabrics
A collection of pretty bits for sewing provided by Penny Baker
Similar scrap packs by Penny Baker are available in Handmade Happiness now.

I had a lovely day off yesterday in Chichester where as well as doing some Christmas shopping I met an old friend for a coffee in M&S and had lunch with another friend who lives in the town. I appreciate what Chichester has to offer far more now I don't actually live there! There is such a variety of shops, I seem to find new ones every time I visit. I heard on the grape vine that tkmax may be moving into what used to be the Sadlers Walk shopping arcade on East Street. All we need now is for an Ikea to set up shop on the outskirts of Chichester and every shopping need will be catered for!

There was a 'craft fair' in the main streets and I was pleased to meet Nicole Phillips whose delightful artwork I'd like to stock in Handmade Happiness. Nicole's work shone out. I'll keep you posted...

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