Yesterday I received the keys to my shop.
At last I can show you what I've been waiting for these past months.
I can now paint the walls and fit it out ready for opening. (Two of the walls are dark green. They must be made white!)
The address is 9a, Dragon Street, Petersfield. The shop is part of an old building which dates back to the 17th century in parts. It used to be a coaching inn called 'The Green Dragon' hence Dragon Street. For locals it is between the computer shop and Wild Damson just round the corner of St Peter's Road where Marks and Spencer's car park can be found.
This blog 'Handmade Happiness' will now also be the shop blog. Until very recently Handmade Happiness was also to be the name of the shop. But I am having cold feet about that. That name won't fit into the small sign space pictured above! I thought I'd call the shop 'Made' but that's taken. So is Handmade according to the register of company names. I have traded under my own name but a name should tell you what the shop is all about. Name ideas please!
So when will the shop open? I aim to start trading on Saturday October 15th.
Chris writes:
I just absolutely adore your shop. It is sooooo cute. You should deffo have a pretty name for it.
I still really like 'Handmade Happiness' Jenny.
Would it possible to have it written in lower-case style which might take up less space?
What a dear little shop!
Susan x
I'm glad you like it Susan.
I think it will be 'handmade happiness' unless anyone comes up with something better. Yes perhaps using a combination of upper and lower case letters eg. 'handMaDE HaPPiness'
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