Monday 28 June 2010

Pretty relic

When I moved from Chichester to Petersfield I brought with me a jam jar of poppy seeds collected from the garden. And I love to see those same poppies flowering here. My Chichester garden was special to me.  Quite big for a small Victorian semi and I had a winding flagstone path laid from one end to the other. I designed it in three sections with trellis dividers and raised beds. I think that garden sold the house for me. And I admit it hurt to leave it behind.
Now that the Chichester house is on the market again I am able to check out pictures of it online. The house is exactly the same except all the floors have been stripped and stained dark. But the garden is different. The path is gone; the raised beds are gone and the trellis walls are gone. The bordering hedges have been left to grow up high and the whole garden is covered over in grass.

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Ian Pearce said...

I love those poppies, they grow everywhere in my parents vegetable garden, and no matter what they seem to pop up year after year.

jenny said...

Yes and they can thrive in the worst conditions. Growing out of walls or in the scrubby soil where wall meets pavement. Shame they don't like being cut and put in vases to decorate our homes.