Monday 1 March 2010

Unravel and Workshops

Congratulations to everyone I met at Unravel who managed to find my blog!
Unravel was great. I met so many lovely people.
Here is a list of my workshops :

Wednesday March 31st Felting a Purse
Wednesday April 14th Making Buttons
Wednesday May 12th Free Knitting
Wednesday June 9th Making Buttons (repeat)
Wednesday July 14th Felting a Purse (repeat)
Wednesday August 11th Making Buttons (repeat)

All workshops will be held at my house from 10am to 1pm with refreshments supplied but please bring a packed lunch if you wish to continue the chat over lunch. The cost is £30 and numbers will be limited to 6 places per workshop. I will email/ post more information to those of you who left your contact details with me.
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1 comment:

ginny said...

hi Jenny,
lovely to meet you again at unravel. i would love to come and felt a purse with you if you have any places left.
warmest wishes
ginny x
(this comment links to my blog)