Sunday, 21 February 2010

In Arundel

Yesterday I worked in Arundel's Tricot Design shop and I was pleased to see they have one of my felt necklaces in the window! The coat is by Out of Xile.
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Anonymous said...

Chris says: Beautiful felt necklace. Love it.

Karin Moorhouse said...

Jenny, Hi,

Thank you for mentioning my work in the Arundel gallery trail, nice to connect, even if only virtually with a local artist. The house is mine and I am always on the look out for new works. Love your felting and loved seeing it in window of Tricot. perhaps we'll catch up one day. I'll keep in touch with your blog - I'm with blog spot - possibly!

jenny said...

Hi Karin,
I've just enjoyed reading your blog and looking at your website.
Your blog link is
Hope to speak again.