Friday 29 March 2013

Handmade Happiness is open today

An assortment of Kate Hackett's egg cups in the window
 How great to see the sun this morning. Please hang around sunshine.

Sorry about the reflections in the picture. Kate's egg cups complete with egg are £10 and you can see Sue Inglis's sheep and pigs above them - £5 each. Sue has brought in more of her hand-knitted little Easter decorations - bunnies, chicks, sheep and new flying pigs for your Easter tree - all £4 each. 
Handmade Happiness will be open all day today, Good Friday.

The trouble with Pinterest (you make up themed picture boards by 're-pinning' your choice of pics on them) is that it is a bit addictive. Late at night I'm scouring through hundreds of pictures to find those little gems that I can pin to my boards. It's fun to do. I can't understand how the site owners make their money as there are no advertisements. It's like a public service - like a library where there are no fines.

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